Large numbers of whales spotted at Whale Watch Day 2018

The All-Ireland Whale Watch Day celebrated its 18th year on Saturday, 25th August with another highly successful event.
19 events took place across all four provinces of Ireland, a real testament to the enduring interest of the public to learn m ore about these fascinating creatures.
There was a great mix of Irish and overseas visitors at the events, with a healthy mix of whale-watching veterans and novices alike all there to catch a glimpse of our water-bound neighbours.
With the sun shining and calm seas across the country, the day proved to be a wonderful opportunity to spot all manner of sea species.
73% of the events taking place spotted at least one cetacean sightings during the whale watch. Amongst the creatures spotted was a basking shark, minke whale and a harbour porpoise!
Overall, we hope all who attended Whale Watch Day 2018 enjoyed the event and left with an appreciation for the importance of giving these creatures a clean, safe place to call home.