It's an all hands on deck moment in time for our oceans.
Making changes in the way each of us lives our daily lives matters to our oceans, to our world. The idea that alone we can't make a difference is old news. Imagine the possibilities if we all take action in even the smallest ways, like using less plastic and turning off the lights when we leave a room. Start small, think big. Some ideas are below. Maybe pick 3, then 4, then more. We welcome your comments and suggestions.
1. Use Fewer Plastic Products
- Use a sturdy shopper tote bag for shopping instead of plastic bags
- Carry a refillable bottle for water and other beverages
- Store food in reusable containers instead of zip top plastic bags
- Say NO to plastic straws and single use plastic forks, knives and spoons.
How does this help?
Plastic pollution is the biggest threat to the oceans and the health of sea creatures, both big and small. Plastic debris that makes its way into the ocean harms the habitat and injures or contributes to the deaths of many marine animals, as it often resembles food to them
For more information on Plastic use and the ocean, please read on here
2. Reduce Your Carbon Footprint
- Turn off lights and appliances when not in use
- Ride a bike, walk or use public transportation whenever you can
- Switch to LED light bulbs at home
- Wash your clothes in cold water, then hang them to dry.
- Recyle glass, aluminum, plastic and paper.
- Maximize fuel efficiency in your car by keeping tires properly inflated.
- Reduce your consumption of bottled water and other packaged drinks.
How does this help?
Carbon dioxide created from burning fossil fuels contributes to climate change and is making our ocean more acidic. Higher acid levels gravely affect the health of coral and the fish and sea creatures dependent on coral reefs.
For more ways to reduce your carbon footprint, please see National Geographic's recommendations
3. Conserve Water
- Turn off the tap when you’re brushing your teeth or shaving
- Run your dishwasher and clothes washer with full loads only
- Collect the water you use rinsing fruits and vegetables to water plants
- Shorten your shower by just 1-2 minutes and save 150 gallons per month
How does this help?
The less water we all use, the less runoff and wastewater will pollute our oceans.
For 100 ideas on how to save water, please read this
4. Choose Sustainable Seafood
Find out which seafoods to buy and which to avoid with a Seafood Watch Mobile App
How does this help?
Global fish populations are being depleted due to demand, loss of habitat, and poor fishing practices. When shopping or dining out, help reduce the demand for overexploited species by choosing seafood that is both healthful and sustainable.
5. Use Ocean-Friendly Cleaning and Household Products
- Choose non-toxic cleaning products and low-phosphate detergents
- Many household chores can be done with simple ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, or lemon juice.
- Use ecological or organic fertilizers
How does this help?
Although you may live far away from the sea, harmful chemical based cleaners and fertilizer make their way into our water systems and flow to the sea.
6. Properly Dispose of Hazardous Materials
- Contact your local community waste management office for how-to information
How does this help?
Disposing of motor oil, batteries and electronics in an environmentally safe way keeps these materials from washing into coastal areas and polluting the seas.
7. Participate in Beach or Waterway Clean-Ups
In addition to the feel-good factor of pitching in, cleaning up and protecting marine animals from all the hazards of trash, there's other benefits to be had- like a day a the beach and getting to know more people in your community.
There's clean ups going on all over the world, all the time. For more info, please check out the Ocean Conservancy's International Coastal Clean Up
8. Support Organizations Working to the Protect the Oceans
Thankfully, there are many amazing organisations run by people who want to protect our oceans and the creatures which live in them.
Read on here to see just some of the organisations doing fantastic work to protect marine life across the world.
9. Talk to you friends and family about what you’ve learned about oceans!
Now that you've learned about ways you can help, the next step is to pass on your knowledge to all those around you!
Make sure you chat to your friends and family about what changes they can make to help to protect the future of our oceans.