Whale Watch Ireland 2018

Ireland is blessed with many fantastic sights, with breath-taking views in plentiful supply in each corner of this island. Rarely though, do we get to appreciate the true wonders that lie in the waters that surround Irish shores.
On the 25th August, the Irish Whale and Dolphin Group (IWDG) are inviting you to attend one of the 20 “Whale Watch” days taking place across Ireland, from 2pm – 5pm.
Everyone is invited to these events and it is completely free to attend.
At each of the events across the country, expert IWDG researchers and whale watchers will show you how to observe and identify some of the most interesting species currently residing in Irish waters, including the humpback whale and the white back dolphin.
Alongside that, the IWDG researchers will explain the incredible work they do to help conserve and better understand the different species of marine animals living in Irish waters.
Whales and dolphins were spotted at 75% of the events last year, so you have a great chance to see first-hand these fascinating marine creatures.
This event is family friendly, and we encourage everyone attending to bring a pair of binoculars or a spotting scope for a better chance of getting a good look at what lies beneath our seas.
For more information, please contact any of the IWDG Whale Watch leaders - details below:
Whale watch leaders